Becoming a mom paved the way for me to pursue my dreams
I must have loved detours that I kept on stopping by until motherhood pulled me back to the track I’ve always wanted to walk on.
Writing has always been my favorite form of expression. It started when I spent ample time detailing my adventures on my Friendster blog – back when the word “blog” is not yet present in a physical dictionary.
Back in 2013, after a three-day trip to Cebu, my good friend told me I should start a travel blog. The kind you share and promote – not the ones for private consumption only. And at that time, I wanted to.
But I was nervous at the thought of people reading what I write. I wasn’t that confident with my writing and my grammar isn’t flawless.
So the years passed and I kept my blogs to myself while living different jobs. Eventually, I found a work-from-home setup that saved me from the mad traffic in the metro. The idea of having a business also cropped up because it must be nice having to answer only to yourself. Plus, I knew I wanted to be at home with my future children (although now I know it is not an easy decision).
I came across this course about starting a blog and making money. However, I found it too expensive so I let it pass. I dipped my toes instead in E-commerce after enrolling in a masterclass. It was fun until my capital was exhausted.
While doing freelance and exploring ways to start a business, I had this feeling that I’m just drifting workwise. I told myself I should start the travel blog before I turn 30. Admitting that I want to earn from blogging, I plucked up the courage, launched my blog, and published just a handful.
A few weeks later we found out I was pregnant. Nausea and fatigue had me like their long-lost daughter and my new blog became dormant. Easing into my second trimester, I ventured into yet another field. To be fair, I only went into industries I find interesting. I geared myself with the knowledge and portfolio to offer future clients.
Fast forward to being a new mother, my mind and body were heavy with all the responsibilities. I became passionate about everything new moms go through. At some point, I felt like a dying candle because I had no time to do the things I usually had time for. Documenting my birth story even took me six months to write.
Still, I wanted to make money from home so I can be with my son all day. Job interviews weren’t as easy, especially when asked how willing I was to work outside. My latest certificates were forgotten because I was unsure whether I want to work for anyone anymore.
I wanted to stay at home and be happy and have an income. How can I look after my son and manage the household while profiting from something I love?
…Am I still going to pretend I don’t know the answer to this? Am I still going for excuses? Or am I going to grab this opportunity?
So to fuel my passion (for learning and writing), I converted my travel blog into a space where I share my adventures and insights about being a first-time mom. I invested and enrolled in the blogging course I’ve always wanted to study. Now I am learning the ropes of blogging as a business.

Blogging is my creative outlet. Although I have a long long way to go, I can’t tell you enough how amazing it is to finally be on this track. How wonderful it feels like to wake up every day with fire in my heart. To focus and work toward this dream little by little knowing it meant living a lifestyle I choose.
There are times when I see successful blogs and ask myself what was I thinking to delay this dream? If only I did this earlier, I would have been spending my everyday playing with my son and learning how to mom better. But there’s no point regretting it because I can’t turn back time.
Although I might have been earning money had I started years ago, I can’t help but feel that the timing is perfect. It is teaching me many things.
It is teaching me that I shouldn’t waste time. That I should spend it doing something I love. That prioritizing helps in achieving. That it’s okay to not have it all in an instant. That it takes time to build something great.
It must be true, this quote you see on the internet. “Eventually, you’ll end up where you need to be, with who you’re meant to be with, and doing what you should be doing.” 💖