Hospital Bag Checklist: What To Pack For Delivery

In the middle of organizing my notes when I learned that I don’t have my hospital bag checklist anymore. So here I am and instead of trying to remember everything in my list, I will just write those things that I deem to be the most needed. When I give birth again, I’ll just go back to this post.

I guess it is understandable when parents overpack for the delivery of their firstborn. What is there to expect after all, and no one wants to scramble for something that could have easily been brought. But now that I crossed the bridge already, I was sure many of the things I packed never saw the light of my hospital room.

Take note that factors such as where you will deliver your baby and their protocols (say breastfeeding) can be different than mine. Your health and your baby’s well-being also matter. Different challenges pose different solutions and it may require you to bring other items not on this list.

Hospital Bag Checklist for Mom

Below are my list and some notes regarding my exp.

Documents and Gadgets

  • Ultrasounds, CBC, blood tests, admission slip, etc. Have them ready in one file case and tell your husband of the contents. If I remember correctly, the staff (gave birth at Metropolitan Medical Center in Manila) gave us back the records. I don’t remember having my papers photocopied.
  • For PhilHealth, bring your ID and Member Data Form (MDR). Even though unemployed, my contributions covered more than a year before I gave birth. They requested to see the receipts so buti I have it in my files.
  • For the SSS Maternity Reimbursement, I didn’t qualify for the claims because I lack monthly contribution. Kalungkot yon. Mali ako ng intindi sa kung ilang buwan dapat may hulog. Dapat for a year na yung hinulog ko.
  • Doctors’ Professional Fee should be paid in cash. The rest, credit card will do.
  • Pasted my favorite Naruto episodes on my phone thinking it could serve as my entertainment while on labor. Sadly, phones are not allowed in the labor and delivery room. When I was recovering naman, my body was too tired and preoccupied to even check my phone.

Clothing and Nursing

Pregnancy apps will tell you to bring your own pillow but since we’re packing light, we won’t include that. Besides, from where I gave birth, the hospital pillow I used was considered bought. I was glad to take it home because it reminds me of Tikoy’s day.

  • Basically, I didn’t have anything I own in the maternity/delivery room. All my things were left with hubby when they had me wear a hospital gown. They even provided me with slippers.
  • In our room, with all the breastfeeding and adjustments, mas madaling magkumot na lang than wear anything.
  • I brought a usual dress as a coming home outfit but ended up wearing my mom’s pajama partnered with a nursing blouse.
  • Lactation experts say you shouldn’t pump before six weeks postpartum, but using a milk catcher is fine. You won’t have that much milk in the beginning anyway. *There are instances though when pumping immediately is advised.
  • Thankful that a good friend advised us to bring a drinking straw. I didn’t have to sit upright to drink my water. Curved metal straw is a good alternative to bendable plastic straws.


If you’ll notice, I didn’t include shampoo and conditioner. While I looked forward to taking a bath after I gave birth, I was dizzy and exhausted from the operation (CS mom here). Bath had to take a backseat. And I guess the next time I give birth, hintay ko na lang din na makauwi ako bago maligo.

  • Baby wipes na lang muna para feeling fresh pa rin.
  • Hospital didn’t provide adult diapers and what I brought was not easy to use (because masakit gumalaw pag cs) so hubby had to buy outside pa. Some moms prefer using sanitary pads but for convenience, have the adult tape diapers. Way easier to wear plus less likely to leak.
  • If you know you’ll be a CS mom, bring a binder na. It will help big time.

Again these are simple and basic, walang pampaganda. But if you’re used to wearing make-up and it makes you feel better, go. 💖

Gulo gulo buhok ko and tatlong araw walang ligo and I couldn’t care less. I felt powerful actually, which was ironic considering I couldn’t walk. Tipong kung may zombie apocalypse, baka alay na ko kung walang magliligtas saken.

Hospital Bag Checklist for Baby

For normal delivery, 4 sets of baby clothes are sobra pa nga. It’s because hospitals nowadays will whisk you home agad if stable naman kayo ni baby. It is safer to recover at home what with Covid-19. Pag CS, you can expect to stay at the hospital for 3-4 days.

  • Bring long sleeves or frog suits. Newborns cannot regulate their temperature yet and they need warmth. No need to bring sando because dagdag lang yun sa bitbitin.
  • At MMC, nurses give babies a bath every morning so we hand them the baby’s change of clothes. You can pack those in a ziplock (per set) or better yet, look for non-plastic alternatives.
  • MMC has a breastfeeding only rule but I only found that out after I delivered Tikoy. Though I had no plans to bottlefeed, we brought one small bottle just in case, and thankfully didn’t need to (sneak in to) use it.
  • If you plan to bank baby’s cord blood, don’t forget to bring the kit.

Hospital Bag Checklist for Dad

Dads, it might seem like a very short list but remember, you get to carry everything. Your wife’s already carrying about 5kg in her tummy (baby, placenta, amniotic fluid). Even the money pambayad you should handle kasi your wife has to rest after delivery.

  • Food will help. Coffee will help. Grandmothers can help. You will welcome and be grateful for help.
  • You won’t know how long you’ll have to wait before the cat gets out of the bag. So bring movies to watch and don’t forget your charger.
  • Better yet, sleep. You’ll miss it.
  • Write something for your wife. ❤️ Pray for your wife and your baby.

Bring your humor because while welcoming your newborn is nothing short of amazing, caring for him in the first days can be nerve-wracking.

To be honest I can still zap some of the items from the lists above. Hospitals will provide a kit with diapers and baby care items. But it makes me at ease to have diapers, socks, earphones nearby.

Again, things may depend on where you give birth, what their policies are, you and your baby’s condition. Pack before week 36 and then just throw in other essentials like toothbrushes once the much-awaited day has come.

The household will feel different once you go home with the newest member of the family. Lessen the workload by packing only what’s needed. You will thank yourself for it. 💞

hospital bag checklist what to pack for delivery

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